Detail Article

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik

ISSN Lama 0216-2407, Baru 2086-7050

Vol. 22 / No. 3 / Published : 2009-07

Order : 4, and page :219 - 224

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Original Article :

Makna seksualitas bagi akseptor tubektomi

Author :

  1. Subagyo Adam*1
  1. .

Abstract :

Sex is the main factor that define adulthood as well as men -women relationship. Sexuality become the core of person, and of huma n attributes like race, nationality, religion, age, occupation: one of the most basic identity is sex. Foucault (1997) discussed articulation relationship between sexuality and directionary through two aspects, those are rule instance and set unity. This d irectionary is not as institute association and set that assure of citizen subservience in certain country, and is not something like power in some bodies. But, directionary function by virtue of elements were not implicitly number. In performance relationship, there were not equality. This study wish acquire sexuality perception for women that have come to a decision as permanent acceptor in family planning tubectomy. While the qualitative domain of this study, leaving from frame of thought ‘meaning’ (Blumer, 1986) and apply ontology side with the sight of problems in the contex of ‘natural’ (Spradley, 1980 & Muhadjir, 1982). Although it is not struggle through anti - patriarkhi, at least it should not the interest of woman to fix under national interest.

Keyword :

Tubectomy, Meaning, Sexuality, Power,

References :

H. Blumer,,(1969) Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method new york : Prentice Hall, Inc.

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I. Illich,(1982) Gender London : Marion Boyars Publishers, Ltd.

R.K. Merton,(1967) On Theoretical Sociology New York : The Free Press.

N. Muhadjir,(1992) Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif Yogyakarta : Rake Sarasin.

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 22 / No. : 3 / Pub. : 2009-01
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