Detail Article

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik

ISSN Lama 0216-2407, Baru 2086-7050

Vol. 16 / No. 3 / Published : 2003-07

Order : 1, and page :1 - 10

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Original Article :

Menggali konsep matriarki: upaya membangun sistem hukum yang berkeadilan bagi perempuan

Author :

  1. PInky Saptandari*1
  1. Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Abstract :

Social construction positions women as the goddess that can do no wrong. The emergence of so called “good women” or “ideal women” as well as the opposite such as “bad women” can be easily found in written materials as well as in everyday conversation. This discourse becomes more interesting within the discussion of political democracy process. This process describes human relations and gender relations in term of win-win solution. The problem is discussed within the frame of widening the discourse particularly from the anthropology of gender perspective.

Keyword :

women position, social construction, political democracy process, anthropology of gender, .,

References :

Fromm E,(2002) Cinta, Seksualitas, Matriarki, Gender Yogyakarta : Jalasustra

Weiringa SE,(1999) Penghancuran Gerakan Perempuan di Indonesia Jakarta : Garba Budaya

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 16 / No. : 3 / Pub. : 2003-07
  1. Menggali Konsep Matriarki: Upaya Membangun Sistem Hukum Yang Berkeadilan Bagi Perempuan
  2. Program Pelatihan Pembentukan Tim Untuk Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
  3. Kekerasan Sosial Dan Politik: Suatu Ancangan Teori
  4. Perpu Tenaga Kerja Dan Perlindungan Tkw Dari Tindak Kekerasan
  5. Militer Dalam Konflik Bersenjata Di Asia Tenggara: Telaah Kritis Atas Teori Konflik Dan Konsep Human Security
  6. Kriminalitas Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Perekonomian Di Kota Surabaya
  7. Regionalitasation Of The World Economy: Stepping-stones Or Stumbling Block?
  8. Kejatahan Dalam Dunia Kedokteran: Contoh Kasus Mal Praktek
  9. Resensi Buku Anthony Giddens: Suatu Pengantar