Detail Article

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik

ISSN Lama 0216-2407, Baru 2086-7050

Vol. 18 / No. 2 / Published : 2005-04

Order : 7, and page :93 - 110

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Original Article :

Peluang dan tantangan penerapan e-governance dalam konteks otonomi daerah

Author :

  1. Sri Yuni Woro Astuti*1
  1. Alumnus FISIP UNAIR

Abstract :

Management of local government and development basically cannot be discharged from participative, transparent, and responsive linkage to the pillars of good governance, they are state-society-and private sectors. Such linkage is very crucial in terms of policy-making process in order to provide better services and enhance society welfare at all levels. This paper proposes the implementation of information technology or management base on e-governance, that is perceived as one of strategies possibly in applying in order to get the objectives of good governance in the decentralization era. E-governance, as  an innovative strategy, requires the application of management changing. To apply e-governance means to refer to cultural changes in the bureaucracy.

Keyword :

local government, good governance , e-governance, ., .,

References :

Osborne, David dan Gaebler,Ted,,(1997) Mewirausahakan Birokrasi Jakarta : Pustaka Binaman Pressindo

Thoha. Miftah, ,(2003) Birokrasi dan Politik di Indonesia Jakarta : Rajawali Press

Soebhan, Syafuan Rozi,(2000) , Model Reformasi Birokrasi Indonesia Jakarta : PPW LIPI

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 18 / No. : 2 / Pub. : 2005-01
  1. Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Proses Pembangunan Dan Upaya Mewujudkannya
  2. Citizen’s Charter Dalam Paradigma Administrasi Negara : Reorientasi Pelayanan Publik
  3. Paradigma Perpolisian Komunitas: Mengantisipasi Konflik Sosial Pemilihan Kepala Daerah
  4. Refleksi Gerakan Rakyat Lereng Gunung Semeru Di Era Reformasi 1997
  5. Kalangan Marjinal Di Perkotaan Studi Perlawanan Ex. Pedagang Kaki Lima Taman Surya Surabaya
  6. Analisis Reseptif Sosok Savitri Dalam Novel Primadona Karya Achmad Munif Dari Dimensi Fenimisme Eksistensial
  7. Peluang Dan Tantangan Penerapan E-governance Dalam Konteks Otonomi Daerah
  8. Resensi Buku Membunuh Atas Nama Kebebasan: The Silent Takeover