Detail Article

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik

ISSN Lama 0216-2407, Baru 2086-7050

Vol. 18 / No. 1 / Published : 2005-01

Order : 4, and page :41 - 79

Related with : Scholar   Yahoo!   Bing

Original Article :

Pengaruh struktur, budaya, kepemimpinan, aliansi strategis terhadap inovasi dan kinerja organisasi hotel bintang tiga di jawa timur

Author :

  1. Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Negara FISIP Unair

Abstract :

To days, adaptive and innovative organizations are required within business environment which is more competitive, so that they will be able to take care of organization performance. This research aims to study the factors influencing organizational innovation and its influence to organizational performance of three star hotel in East Java. Such factors are organizational structure, organizational culture, strategic alliance and leadership. Research results indicate that organizational innovation is directly influenced significantly by organizational structure, organizational culture, leadership, and strategic alliance. Organizational performance is also influenced directly and significantly by organizational structure, organizational culture, leadership, and strategic alliance. Organizational innovation influences the organizational performance of three star hotel in East Java directly and significantly. For more details, the result of this research are that organizational structure have a positively direct significantly effect on organizational innovation.

Keyword :

organizational structure, organizational culture, leadership, strategic alliance, organizational innovation, and organizational performance.,

References :

Deninson, D.R,(1990) Sample Design in Busisiness Research New York : John Willey & Sons

Zuboff, Shoshana,(1988) In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power New York : Basic Books

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 18 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2005-01
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  4. Pengaruh Struktur, Budaya, Kepemimpinan, Aliansi Strategis Terhadap Inovasi Dan Kinerja Organisasi Hotel Bintang Tiga Di Jawa Timur
  5. Asset Based Community Development: Strategi Pembangunan Di Era Otonomi Daerah
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