Detail Article

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik

ISSN Lama 0216-2407, Baru 2086-7050

Vol. 24 / No. 3 / Published : 2011-07

Order : 2, and page :192 - 201

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Original Article :

Pengembangan obyek wisata taman nasional laut kepulauan karimun jawa

Author :

  1. Andy Umardiono*1
  1. Program Studi D3 Kepariwisataan/Bina Wisata

Abstract :

Jepara, one of districts in Central Java, has plenty of tourism assets. In developing tourism,especially marine ecotourism, there are three considerable factors that shape the programmesuch as: (1) the existence of attraction and its amenities; (2) how to pack those tourism assetsonto an attractive package tours for segmented tourists; and (3) the involved of localcommunities to support the tourism developing programme. This study uses mixed-methodologywhich focuses on qualitative as well as quantitative data and approach. To explain theproblems,and to gain the datas and informations, this study uses observation and interview. Thisstudy concludes that in order to develop potential tourism assets for marine ecotourism inKarimunjawa Islands, the authorities must involve local communities as ‘the host’ of thoseassets, at all levels of planning and decision-making in order to empower them as government’spartnership for common purposes.

Keyword :

marine ecotourism, local communities, , Karimun Jawa, development,

References :

Damanik, J & Weber, HF,(2006) Perencanaan Ekowisata. Dari Teori ke Aplikasi Yogya : Puspar UGM & Penerbit Andi.

Garrod, B & Wilson, JC ,(2003) Marine Ecotourism. Issues and Experiences. England : Channel View Publication

Pearce, DG,(1989) Applied Geography Tourist Development. New York : Longman Inc.

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 24 / No. : 3 / Pub. : 2011-01
  1. Sejarah Pemberadaban: Mengenalkan Norbert Elias Pada Sosiologi Indonesia
  2. Pengembangan Obyek Wisata Taman Nasional Laut Kepulauan Karimun Jawa
  3. Ikhtiar Teoritik Mengkaji Peran Partai Dalam Mobilisasi Politik Elektoral
  4. Imagery In Thomas Hardy’s “the Convergence Of The Twain”
  5. Profil Kemiskinan Di Surabaya: Sebuah Analisis Fenomenologis
  6. Asean's Response To The Challenge Of Terrorism
  7. The Social Construction Of Indonesian Children: The Family, The School And The Media
  8. Pemetaan Potensi Ekowisata Di Taman Nasional Baluran
  9. Kebijakan Publik Deliberatif: Relevansi Dan Tantangan Lmplementasinya
  10. Kebutuhan Penguasaan Bahasa Asing Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Paramadina Dalam Era Globalisasi