ISSN 2302-6464
Vol. 3 / No. 2 / Published : 2014-10
Order : 7, and page :252 - 259
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Original Article :
Efforts to the revenue livestock laying duck and fight through the surface water pollution feed management, waste and diversified business
Author :
- Hardijanto*1
- Tri Wahyu Suprayogi*2
- Emy Koestanti Sabdoningrum*3
- Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan
- Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan
- Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan
Abstract :
Duck intensif cultivation method depends on commercial feed that feed while squeezing profit margins and can absorb 60-70% of venture capital raising ducks. To overcome dependency, farmers should be able to make your own cheap feed from industrial waste (tofu and rice bran) which, when fermented using yeast tempe able to improve the feed protein content, digestibility and performance of enzyme hydrolysis of supporting livestock productivity duck. The study was designed using duck laying for the observed production performance during the 6-7 months with feed composition : Results of fermented tofu and rice bran) plus mussels, dry rice, dry toast rejects, worm Tubivex sp (silk worms) and aquatic vegetation (enceng gondok, kayu apu and kayambang) which has been chopped. To increase the farmer's income, then there must be other businesses that do not interfere with the main effort. Utilization of waste water duck enclosure of choice to support the cultivation of fish (catfish, tilapia and carp) in order to provide alternate crops. In the waste water and fish pond can also be cultured aquatic vegetation species will live together with silk worms and it can all be used as additional feed for the ducks and fish. In economic life aquatic vegetation is also a lot to absorb carbon and the metals in the water pond and is expected to improve water quality pond fish pond will flow into public waters remain untested (healthy, odorless, without any contamination).
Keyword :
waste, duck, fermentation, egg production, COD and BOD,
References :
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Archive Article
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![]() Volume : 3 / No. : 2 / Pub. : 2014-10 |