ISSN 2302-6464
Vol. 3 / No. 2 / Published : 2014-10
Order : 13, and page :286 - 293
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Original Article :
Isolation and identification of osteopontin sperm membrane an effort to improve the quality of holstein fressian dairy bull frozen semen
Author :
- Tatik Hernawati*1
- Abdul Samik*2
- Erma Safitri*3
- Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan
- Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan
- Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan
Abstract :
Long term purpose of this research is a new product of freezing media for improving bull’s frozen semen fertility. If freezing media with supplemetation of osteopontin protein from this research proven can improve fertility, all bull in Balai Inseminasi Buatan could use this media as freezing media in frozen semen processing. Fertility improvement are guidance for producing higher pregnacy rate in cattle. Some of researchs show that male with semen contain osteopontin, a sperm membrane protein with molecule weight 55 kDa has higher fertility more than 20 to 25 % if compared by male semen without osteopontin. For that reason it needed to improve fertility of semen by adding osteopontin isolated from sperm membrane. This research aim is to describe the mechanism of improved bull’s fertility using spermatozoa saved in freezing media with supplementation of osteopontin from sperm membrane to increase the numbers of offspring, at the end to increase dairy cattle population in Indonesia rapidly. To fulfill this expectation needed sequence of research gradually. First research : biochemistry characterization and identification toward osteopontin isolated from bull’s sperm membrane include osteopontin expression in bull’s semen using osteopontin monochlonal antibody, determination of molecule weight of osteopoetin by SDS-PAGE confirmed with Western blot method using osteopoetin monochlonal antibody.
Keyword :
osteopontin, sperm membrane, protein characterization,
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![]() Volume : 3 / No. : 2 / Pub. : 2014-10 |