Detail Article


ISSN 2302-6464

Vol. 7 / No. 2 / Published : 2019-02

Order : 17, and page :1 - 17

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Original Article :

Perilaku penemuan informasi di kalangan pendaki pemula di surabaya

Author :

  1. Nur Laili Kumalasari*1
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Abstract :

Mountain climber is an activity that can refresh the mind and even become a hobby for a lot of people. Mountain climbing activities are loved by climber, especially beginner climbers. Beginner hikers must prepare and know what is needed at the time of going to hike. There are several cases of accidents affecting beginner hikers such as hypothermia and slipping. There have also been a number of cases involving beginner hikers because their ignorance of information needed about hiking. The difficulty of the available literature also makes beginner climbers need to know the information about hiking. In this study, researcher wanted to find out the information seeking behaviour among beginner climbers in Surabaya using the information seeking model of Raijo Savolainen which includes the habits of beginner in hiking preparation, selection of information sources and problem solving in information seeking. This research is focused on groups of beginner climber who are members of the mountain climber community. The study used a qualitative ethnographic approach with a purposive sampling technique, where in this study there were 5 beginner climber informants. In this case the information seeking behaviour of beginner climbers has 2 types of typology, that are optimistic and pessimistic beginner climbers. Optimistic beginner climber is an activity that is considered stable in finding the need to hike. And can overcome the problems that will be done based on the habits they have. Pessimistic  beginner climber is an activity carried out by novice climbers that considered less stable in overcoming problems and what they will do is based on their habits. This type of climber is considered less capable in making decisions about the need to climber it so that it needs help from others. Keywords: Information Seeking Behavior, Novice Climbers, Novice Climbers Habits 

Keyword :

perilaku penemuan informasi, pendaki pemula, Nur laili kumalasari, ilmu informasi dan perpustakaan, fisip unair,

References :

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