Detail Article


ISSN 2302-6464

Vol. 6 / No. 1 / Published : 2017-04

Order : 4, and page :13 - 18

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Original Article :

Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak buah terong ungu (solanum melongena l.) pada mencit (mus musculus) terhadap angka kebuntingan

Author :

  1. Dian Puji Rahayu*1
  2. Prof Dr. Rr. Sri Pantja M, drh., M.Si*2
  3. Ira Sari Y, drh., M.P*3
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan
  2. Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan
  3. Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan

Abstract :

This research was conducted to determine the effect of extracts eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) to male mice (Mus musculus) on pregnancy rate of female mice. Solasodin and flavonoid active compound consisted in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is a substance that serve as antifertility. The active substance which influencing the testosterone development. Those active content work through inhibition of mechanism LH/ICSH secretion then testosterone obstruction. The experimental animals used are 24 male mices and 24 female mices with 20-30 gram average body weight. The treatments were divided into four groups and each got six repetitions. (P0) as a control was treated with CMC Na 0,5% without eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) extract. The doses of the extract used 58 mg/kg BW (P1), 74 mg/kg BW (P2) and 79 mg/kg BW (P3). Each treatment was given per-orally with dose 0,5 ml/mice/day along 54 days. The experiment design used in this study was completely random design (CRD). The data were analyzed using Chi Square Test to determine the pregnancy rate. The results showed that the pregnancy rate did not show significant differences but seen their percentage decrease along with increased doses of eggplant extracts.

Keyword :

eggplant, male mice, pregnancy rate,

References :

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Archive Article

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