Jurnal Palimpsest
ISSN 2086-0994
Vol. 7 / No. 2 / Published : 2016-05
Order : 7, and page :145 - 157
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Original Article :
Analisis faktor-faktor pengembangan karir pustakawan
Author :
- Dimas Agung Trisliatanto*1
- Pascasarjana Universitas Airlangga
Abstract :
This globalization era of ASEAN Economic Comunity have demanding for change about Library of Airlangga University in every sectors not only management system but also competency until for librarian’s career path. According to the law number 24 of 2014 about implementation the law number 43 of 2007 is about Library, inside section of 33 subsection 1 explain that librarian have the most low of academic qualification Its Diploma-II in Library sector of university that have high grades. While in the law 38 section 1 explain that librarian must have the capability, there are ability and skillful in sector of Library. Those capability had gotten by the most low of their education which is Bachelor Degree or Fourth Diploma (D- IV)/Applying Bachelor and have work experience at least 5 years, in addition of capability include are integrity, competency, and career in sector of Library but in fact is some of them haven’t background education in sector of Library. The purposes of research is to describe analysis of career development factors for librarian in Library of Airlangga University based on observation of competency in order to career upgrading. This research has using descriptive qualitative method with some techniques to collecting data such as observation, documentation, literature, interview, and focus group discussion then managing data and analyzing data. The result of research are describing that librarian’s career can be identificated from many analysis factors such as analysis motivation factor, analysis human capital factor, and analysis functional position of librarian factor that they have.
Keyword :
Career, Career Development, Librarian, Librarian Career, Career Factors,
References :
Zuntriana,(2010) Peran Pustakawan di Era Library 2.0 Vol.12, No. 2 : Visi Pustaka
Archive Article
Cover Media | Content |
![]() Volume : 7 / No. : 2 / Pub. : 2016-05 |