Detail Article

Jurnal Palimpsest

ISSN 2086-0994

Vol. 7 / No. 2 / Published : 2016-05

Order : 6, and page :136 - 144

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Original Article :

Mengeksplorasi teknologi penelusuran informasi melalui kompetensi tik

Author :

  1. Endang Fatmawati*1
  1. Perpustakaan FEB UNDIP, Semarang

Abstract :

This article aims to discuss exploration information technology through ICT competency. The method used is the literature review in accordance with the topics discussed. The presence of information technology in libraries become benchmarks of progress and modernization of a library. Implementation of information technology in library services from time to time will continue to evolve. ICT is constantly growing and changing. It is associated with the support of hardware andsoftware used to capture, storage, transmission, and searching of data. Conclusion an information retrieval system is designed to retrieve information required by the user. ICT competency librarian is based on concepts of relevant understanding about knowledge, attitudes, and skills in information management.

Keyword :

Computer Technology, Information Management, Retrieval, ICT competency,

References :

Edhy Sutanta,(2003) Sistem Informasi Manajemen - : Graha Ilmu

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 7 / No. : 2 / Pub. : 2016-05
  1. Geliat Membaca Sastra Lama Di Kalangan Anak Muda Urban Dalam Ranah Organisasi Mahasiswa Ekstra Kampus (omek)
  2. Implementasi Peran Manajer Rekod Dalam Mengelola Rekod Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia (ft Ui)
  3. Menumbuhkan Perilaku Gemar Membaca Siswa Sma Di Sekolah Melalui Program Free Voluntary Reading (fvr)
  4. Perkembangan Wacana Tentang Citra Perpustakaan Di Internet
  5. Analisis Kepuasan Pemustaka Terhadap Layanan Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjajaran
  6. Mengeksplorasi Teknologi Penelusuran Informasi Melalui Kompetensi Tik
  7. Analisis Faktor-faktor Pengembangan Karir Pustakawan