Detail Article


ISSN 2302-8858

Vol. 2 / No. 1 / Published : 2013-10

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Original Article :

Hipertekstualitas novel sutasoma karya cok sawitri

Author :

  1. Deaz Iman Dermawan*1
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Budaya

Abstract :

This study aims to explain hypertextuality of Sutasoma novel. Hypertextuality isrelationship of later text and early text. Sutasoma novel relates to Sutasoma kakavin asresult of reading Sutasoma novel. Sutasoma kakavin in this study will be realized as textbackground of Sutasoma novel. The structure of Sutasoma novel will be explained firstto know pieces of Sutasoma novel which relates to Sutasoma kakavin. The relation willbe focused to all events in the two texts. So, we can know the same and the different ofthe events. The result of this study is Sutasoma novel is an imitation and transformationhypertext. Sutasoma novel has a convention dan renewal of Sutasoma kakavin. Theconvention is showed by using the same setting, theme and charachter’s name, andretelling the same events of Sutasoma character’s story in Sutasoma novel. The renewalcan be knew by the transposition of Jayantaka character. Sutasoma novel give a newpoint of view to Jayantaka. In the novel, Jayantaka is assumed as an evil man. Thistransposition is followed by the change of events.

Keyword :

Sutasoma, hypertext, hipotext, hypertextuality,

References :

Allen, Graham.,(2000) Intertextuality. London dan New York: : Routledge.

Karrer, Wolfgang,(1991) “Tittles and Mottoes as Intertextual Devices”, dalam Henrich F. Plett (Ed.), Intertextuality. : Berlin dan New York : Walter de Gruyter.

Sawitri, Cok,(2009) Sutasoma. Jakarta : Kakilangit Kencana

Tantular,(2009) Kakawin Sutasoma. Terjemahan oleh Dwi Woro Retno Mastuti dan Hastho Bramantyo. Depok : Komunitas Bambu.

Worton, Michael dan Judith Still,(1990) SIntertextuality: Theories and Practices Manchester dan New York : Manchester University Press

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 2 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2013-10
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