Table of Content

Jurnal THT - KL [THTKL]

Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Telinga Hidung Tenggorok Bedah Kepala dan Leher

(DAHULU: Media Perhati)

Terbit tiga kali dalam setahun, pada bulan Januari, Mei, dan September.

Bekerja sama dengan Perhati-KL Cabang Jawa Timur Utara.

ISSN : 23378417

Volume 2 / Nomor : 3 / Published : 2009-09

Cover Media Content
  1. Validity of epworth sleepiness scale, modified berlin questionnaire and stop questionnaire for predicting obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis
  2. Subperiosteal abscess as complication from malignant chronic supurative otitis media (a case report)
  3. Complication of thyroidectomy (a case report)
  4. Radiotherapy for treatment of nasopharingeal malignancy
  5. The effect of food allergy on allergic rhinitis