Detail Article


ISSN 2301-8127

Vol. 2 / No. 2 / Published : 2014-06

Order : 3, and page :115 - 123

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Original Article :

Tebu rakyat intensifikasi di p.g. poerwodadi magetan 1965-1970

Author :

  1. Idhofah Fauzi*1
  2. Eni Sugiarti*2
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
  2. Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya

Abstract :

In 1975 the government created a program known by the name of Tebu Rakyat Intensifikasi (TRI). In addition to maintaining the stability of the supply of raw materials, the program also aims to increase the income of farmers, because the previously existing system (system rental) at a value of less profitable for farmers. Farmers in the rental system just waiting for the results of the lease land, but in the TRI program farmers actively participate in the activities and maintenance planting Poerwodadi Hove cane sugar mill is one that implement this program in their working area. Working closely with national and local government program launched by TRI. Various changes occur in farmers after the implementation of this program, both landowners and farm worker. They are essential for the survival to take part of this program, because they are the field operators in terms of planting to the harvesting of sugarcane. It is becoming very influential for the planting process. Because if there is a technical error in the planting, maintenance until the time of harvesting sugar cane, so influential on kulaitas cane produced.

Keyword :

Intensivication Sugarcane People.,

References :

Khudori,,(2005) Gula Rasa Neoliberalisme: Pergumulan Empat Abad Industri Gula Jakarta : LP3ES

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 2 / No. : 2 / Pub. : 2014-06
  1. Perkembangan Musik Jazz Di Surabaya 1960-1985
  2. Perang Revolusi Di Surabaya Dan Keterlibatan Karsono Agustus-november 1945
  3. Tebu Rakyat Intensifikasi Di P.g. Poerwodadi Magetan 1965-1970
  4. Perumahan Rakyat Miskin: Perumnas Tandes I Kota Surabaya 1974-1984
  5. Aktivitas Partai Demokrasi Indonesia (pdi) Cabang Kota Surabaya Dalam Pemilihan Umum Tahun 1977-1987
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  7. Gereja Kristen Jawi Wetan Pepanthan Kampak, Trenggalek Tahun 1957-1975
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  9. Dinamika Aktivitas Pendidikan Sekolah Thhk Mojokerto Pasca Kemerdekaan
  10. Partisipasi Politik Gp Ansor Cabang Sidoarjo Dalam Pemilu 1953-1955