Veterinaria Medika
ISSN 1979-1305
Vol. 6 / No. 2 / Published : 2013-07
Order : 9, and page :121 - 126
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Original Article :
Comparison of hemocytometer thoma and spectrophotometer method on sperm concentration examination of merino sheep semen
Author :
- Sardjito, Trilas*1
- Ramayadi, Wira*2
- Srianto, Pudji*3
- Nidom, C.A*4
- Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga
- PPDH Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga
- Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga
- Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga
Abstract :
This research was conducted to determine differences concentration,the semen straw produced from the concentration, and research time of spermatozoa count method with hemocytometer thoma and spectrophotometer of merino sheep semen. One of microscopic examination of semen is calculating the concentration of spermatozoa. Calculating the concentration of spermatozoa is very important especiallyif the semen is processed into frozen semen. Both of these methods are excellent in calculating the concentration of spermatozoa. There are 10 merino sheep semen samples were calculated concentration of spermatozoa. Each sample of semen were counted directly by both methods. After concentration of spermatozoa has been counted, the amount of semen straw produced can be calculated. Statistical T-Test are use to compare the concentration, mini straw produced and research time from two methods. Resultsshowed no significant differences in concentration and semen straw produced results from hemocytometer thoma and spectrophotometer methods, but the significant differences showed in research time from two methods.
Keyword :
Sperm Concentration, Hemocytometer, Spectrophotometer, Merino Sheep, Frozen Semen,
References :
Atiq N., Ullah N., Andrabi S. M. H. and Akhter S.,(2011) Comparison Of Photometer With Improved Neubauer Hemocytometer and Makler Counting Chamber For Sperm Concentration Measurement In Cattle. Pakistan : Pakistan Veteriner Journal. 31:83-84.
Christensen P., Stryhn H., Hansen C.,(2005) Discrepancies in the determination of sperm concentration using Burker-Turk, Thoma and Makler counting chambers. United States : Theriogenology. 63:992– 1003.
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![]() Volume : 6 / No. : 2 / Pub. : 2013-07 |