Detail Article

Veterinaria Medika

ISSN 1979-1305

Vol. 7 / No. 1 / Published : 2014-02

Order : 2, and page :7 - 16

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Original Article :

Effect of infusum salam leaves (eugenia polyantha) on blood glucose level on the rat (rattus norwegicus) in alloxan induced

Author :

  1. Desak Ketut Sekar Cempaka Putri*1
  2. Bambang Hermanto*2
  3. Tjitra Wardani*3
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran
  2. Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran
  3. Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran

Abstract :

This experiment is conducted in order to prove the theory that the infusum of bay leaf (Eugenia polyantha) may lower the blood glucose level of the sample rat which was afflicted with Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Twenty five rat samples (Rattus norwegicus) were divided into 5 groups, with each groups consisted of 5 rat samples. Those groups are: control group, using normal rats (not afflicted with DM) which were only given aquades of 1 ml/oral/samples, while 20 rat samples were afflicteddiabetesmelitus by injecting 200 mg/kg body weight of aloxanthrough intra peritoneal route. on the fifth day after the aloxan was administered, those rats became afflicted with DM, which is proven with the rise of the blood glucose level of >200mg/dl. The group which was given the treatment, the treatment 0 (P0) were the DM rats which were only given aquades 1ml/oral/day, treatment group 1 (P1) were the DM rats which were given 412.5 mg/150 g body weight/oral/day of bay leaves infusion, treatment group 2 (P2) were the DM rats which were given 825 mg/150 g body weight/oral/day of bay leaves infusion, and treatment group 3 (P3) were the DM rats which were given 1237.5 mg/150 g body weight/oral/day of bay leaves infusum. All samples were given the same method of treatment, by giving the dosage once daily for a period of 14 days. The observed parameter was theblood glucose level measurement from 0 hour, 1st hour, 2nd hour, 4th hour, 6th hour, 8th hour, day 7th, day 14th after the treatment was given. The data obtained was analysed using Anava. The result from giving the dosage of 825 mg/150 g body weight/oral/day of bay leaves infusion was the decrease in the blood glucose level of the rats on the 7th day, and the blood glucose level returned to normal on the 14th day, while giving the dosage of 1237.5 mg/150 g body weight/oral/day of bay leaves infusum resulted in the normalization of the blood glucose level on the 7th day, and the blood glucose dropped below normal on the 14th day.

Keyword :

Infusum, Eugenia polyantha leaf, Aloksan, Rats afflicted with DM, Blood glucose,

References :

Dalimartha,(2004) Ramuan Tradisional untuk pengobatan diabetes mellitus Jakarta : Ed. XI. Penebar Swadaya;73-94

Meles, D.K, Wurlina dan Nian,(2009) Kadar glukosa darah setelah pemberian aloxan pada tikus putih (Rattus norwegicus) Surabaya : Veterinary journal. 5(4) : 34.

Nugroho, A.E.,(2006) Hewan Percobaan Diabetes Mellitus : Patologi dan Mekanisme Aksi Diabetogenik . : Biodiversitas. 7(4) : 378-382

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