Table of Content

Veterinaria Medika [VETMED]

ISSN : 1979-1305

Volume 1 / Nomor : 3 / Published : 2008-11

Cover Media Content
  1. Effect of justicia gendarussa burm.f. leaves water fraction on male rabbit liver and renal fuction(sub acute toxicity test of justicia gendarussa burm.f. leaves water fraction as male contraceptive agent)
  2. Isolation and identification of staphylococcus aureus isolates from milk of bovine mastitis
  3. The comparison between protein a expression of staphylococcus aureus and coagulase negative staphylococci (cns) from bovine mastitis milk
  4. Histopatology and proliferation activity of gland mammae after gift curcuma zedoaria extract which dmba (dimethylbenz(a)antrasen) initiation on sprague dawley rat
  5. Lactoferrin effect on symptom and body weight in short bowel syndrome
  6. The histopathology description of white rat (rattus norvegicus) intestine that was given juice of noni (morinda citrifolia) and high fatty diet
  7. Toxoplasma gondii congenital dissemination number on infected pregnant mice by local isolate on difference gestation olds
  8. Reactivity of brucella abortus strain 19 outer membrane protein toward polyclonal antibody anti brucella abortus strain 19
  9. The potency of sex pheromone (z)-9-tricosene female housefly to control musca dometica
  10. The increasing of rice straw quality by addtion cellulolityc bacteria produce microbe of rumen
  11. The isolation and identification of prolactine protein of the duck’s serum in moulting phase with sas 50% and sds page 12% methode
  12. Succesfull of artifical insemination using frozen semen carried by ice
  13. The usefull of mahkota dewa fruit (phaleria macrocarpa) extract as a hepatotoxicity prevention to mice caused by induction of carbon tetrachloride
  14. Yogurt supplementation study of rat (rattus norvegicus) that exposured by formaldehyde through feeding diet on antioxidant activity, oxidative damages of hepar tissue