Table of Content

Veterinaria Medika [VETMED]

ISSN : 1979-1305

Volume 2 / Nomor : 1 / Published : 2009-02

Cover Media Content
  1. The effect of water extract from phyllanthus niruri l. is immunostimulator in newcastle disease vaccinated chicken
  2. Proliferation activity of gland mammae after leaves gynura procumbens extract which dmba (dimethylbenz(a)antrasen) initiation on sprague dawley rat
  3. Growth differentiation factor-9 (gdf-9) characterization on bovine oocyte collected from preanthral follicle using dotblotting method
  4. Optical density value of antibody against pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (pags) from the pregnant dairy cow blood serum in male local rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus)
  5. Implementation studies of artificial insemination program of beef cattle in west java
  6. Glycoprotein of human membrane spermatozoa
  7. Specifitacy test anti-prostaglandin f2a indirect elisa method
  8. The sensitivity test of some antimicrobial agents to staphylococcus aureus of cause mastitis at dairy cattle at around of suka makmur dairy cooperative grati pasuruan
  9. Correlation between subclinical mastitis stages use california mastitis test with total bacteria in milk
  10. Detection of progesterone of pregnant dairy cattle using enzyme immunoassay (eia) method
  11. Identification of encoding gene for fibrinogen binding protein on staphylococcus aureus in mastitic milk
  12. The polymorphism of coagulase gene as searching strain variability of staphylococcus aureus from bovine mastitis cases
  13. Concentration of total protein from goat seminal plasma by biuret method
  14. The consumption of crude protein of haylage complete feed on ongole crossbreed steers
  15. Crude protein contents and dry matter in ipome sp fermentation as alternative for feed stuff
  16. The effect of forced moulting in the avian as causes of zoonocis case salmonella enteridis (se)