Table of Content

Veterinaria Medika [VETMED]

ISSN : 1979-1305

Volume 3 / Nomor : 1 / Published : 2010-02

Cover Media Content
  1. Apllication of frozen semen plus tyrosine kinase to increased conception rate of beef cattle
  2. Isolation, identification and characterization of inhibin b protein of rattus norvegicus sertoli cell culture as male hormonal contraception candidate
  3. Protective test immunogenic protein of outher membrane salmonella pullorum agains broiler
  4. Profile of combination ketamin xylazine and ketamin midazolam toward physiologycal change in male rabbit
  5. The feed's potential as the contamination source of aspergillus spp. which caused aspergillosis on fowl
  6. Metabolic product rumen fluid of sheep which given lactic acid bacteria suspension and yeast on king grass and rice straw
  7. Addition time interval effect of temu ireng (curcuma aeruginosa roxb.) extract to male mice (mus musculus) liver histopathological description
  8. Path analysis of mastitis on dairy cows at cooperative dairy farm in pasuruan, east java
  9. Viability and motility muscovy drake's (cairina moschata) spermatozoa in a diluter combination of skim milk, fructose and egg yolk
  10. Addition of growth differentiation factor-9 (gdf-9) at culture medium in vitro on chromosome profile of bovine's oocyte
  11. The potency of a black soybean milk and yellow soybean milk on the level of triglycerides in rat (rattus novergicus) fed with a high fat diet
  12. The effect of centrifugation on quality of motility, viability and acrosom cap of goat sperm
  13. Benzopyrene induce apoptosis of the lung cells in ratus norvegicus
  14. Partenogenetik development of mouse oocytes activation using ethanol and 6-dmap by in vitro
  15. Identification of pregnancy specific protein b (pspb) from placenta foetalis (cotyledon) freishian holstein cows