Table of Content

Veterinaria Medika [VETMED]

ISSN : 1979-1305

Volume 4 / Nomor : 3 / Published : 2011-11

Cover Media Content
  1. Potential carbofuran induced oxidative stress, decreased choline esterase and increased brain cell embryonal death
  2. Crossbreds entog and duck artificial insemination technology of diluted and doses for fertibily
  3. Pengaruh pemberian alkaloid daun jarong (achyranthes aspera linn) pada mencit yang terkena kanker mammae terhadap gambaran hitung jenis leukosit
  4. Motilitas, persentase hidup dan keutuhan membran spermatozoa domba ekor gemuk post thawing dalam tiga macam diluter
  5. The quality of ram sperm after washing with brackett and oliphant’s (bo) medium at skim milk and egg yolk diluent
  6. Hematology parameter of kacang goats in mojosarirejo village driyorejo gresik
  7. The utilization of ginger (zingiber officinale ) as natural antibacterial on pasteurized milk based on the reduce number of escherichia coli
  8. Difference optical density405nm value antibody of layer vaccinated with infectious bronchitis active monovalent and infectious bronchitis activebivalent (ib-nd) by using indirect elisa
  9. The use of recycle soybean fermented cake (tempe) with cellulolytic bacteria as corn substitution to consumption feed, egg production and feed convertion ratio of layer duck
  10. The prevalence of helminthiasis gastrointestinal tract of sumatran tiger (panthera tigris sumatrae) and bengal tiger (panthera tigris tigris) in three different areas of conservation
  11. Supplement of acrosin to the post thawing sperm of half-breed of etawa goat (pe) towards capacitation and acrosome reaction of spermatozoa
  12. The effectiveness of glutaraldehyde and didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride combination as a disinfectant to decrease total number of bacteria on layer chicken cages
  13. Anti hy preparation as raw material for frozen semen and frozen female embryos
  14. Aphrodisiac bioscreening models, profile of justicia gendarussa burm.f., pimpinella pruatjan molkenb and pangium edule reinw. extracts on isolated frog gastric smooth muscle
  15. Application of human menopose gonadotrophin (hmg) toward follicle growth in cows ovary hypofunction