Table of Content

Veterinaria Medika [VETMED]

ISSN : 1979-1305

Volume 5 / Nomor : 1 / Published : 2012-02

Cover Media Content
  1. Feed convertion and feed consumption of feed formulation with different protein content
  2. The potential of complete feed fermentation use cellulolityc bacteria to increase daily gain of sheep
  3. The effectivity of psidium guajava linn leaf dipping to chicken egg yolk quality
  4. The role of location against gastrointestinal nematodosis on cattle at west madura
  5. The activity test of whole bacterium suspension of bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis serotype h-14 at mosquito of culex fatigans pipiens and aedes aegypti
  6. The metabolite levels of broiler serum that suffer due to warming heat stress in the long term
  7. Supplement of acrosin to the post thawing sperm of half-breed of etawa goat (pe) towards increasing potency of spermatozoa
  8. Quality test of frozen semens of fat-tailed sheep in three different kinds of semen extenders
  9. The level of progesteron in blood sera cows using ria( radio immuno assay ) after progesteron transvaginal mpa (medroxy progesteron acetate)
  10. Model plastik t sponge mpa (medroxy progesteron acetate) soft release for oestrus synchronization in cows
  11. Eimeria necatrix pathogenicity attenuation through a serial passage of precocious lines towards small intestine histopathology in broiler
  12. The effect of ethanol extracted of curcuma aeruginosa roxb rizhoma toward degree”s of kidney damage chicken layer which it is infected by ascridia galli
  13. Fluctuation of interleukin-4 ( il-4) in serum and reproductive organ at toxoplasma gondii infected pregnant mouse
  14. Expression difference of Αvβ3 in the endometrium after the administration clomiphene citrate, combination of clomiphene citrate and metformin, or metformin
  15. A comparison of the effect melatonin and forbetes on blood glucose level in rat (rattus norvegicus) experimentally diabetic mellitus type 1