Table of Content

Veterinaria Medika [VETMED]

ISSN : 1979-1305

Volume 5 / Nomor : 3 / Published : 2012-11

Cover Media Content
  1. Decrease of spermatozoa fertility rate and overview histopathologic seminiferous tubules of mice (mus musculus) with malnutrition conditions
  2. Antibacterial susceptibility of bacillus subtilis isolated from shrimp pond and fish pond sediment
  3. The efectivity of red rose flower(rosa damascena mill) extract as an antiseptic toward chronic stomatitis on phyton snake (python reticulatus)
  4. Potential rice bran fermented with enterobacter cloacae wpl 111 to the crude fiber disgestibility of broiler
  5. The decrease of progesterone-b receptor roles in abortion ewe by dexamethasone administration
  6. Antibiotic susceptibility pattern of staphylococcus aureus isolated from mastitis in dairy cattle at argopuro dairy cooperative in krucil probolinggo district
  7. Therapeutic effect of water extract leaf kedondong (lannea coromandelica) to levels of malondialdehyde (mda) and protease activity in ileum rat (rattus norvegicus) inflammatory bowel disease (ibd) induced by indomethacin
  8. The dynamic of maturation promoting factor (mpf) on cyprinus carpio oocytes after induced by artificial activation
  9. The role of d-alpha tocopherol therapy to blood glucose levels and levels of mda (malondialdehyde) in diabetes mellitus type 1 rats by mld-stz
  10. Oestrous decrease and ovarian histopathologic description of female mouse (mus musculus) with malnutrition condition
  11. Closed house method to influence of body weight, mortality rate and crop periode in broiler farm
  12. Insulin like growth factor-i complex sebagai alternatif antioksidan pada media pendewasaan spermatozoa kambing
  13. The effect of giving eugenia polyantha extract to liver histopathology on rattus norvegicus strain sprague dawley induced with dmba (dimetilbenz[a]antrasen)