Table of Content

Veterinaria Medika [VETMED]

ISSN : 1979-1305

Volume 7 / Nomor : 2 / Published : 2014-07

Cover Media Content
  1. The influence of carbofuran exposure toward white pulp diameter of spleen of mice (mus musculus)
  2. Antibacterial activity of the supernatant of soil isolate bacillus subtilis against aeromonas hydrophila and staphylococcus aureus (in vitro)
  3. The potential of giving synbiotic in different ages of female broilers on histological of ileum
  4. Evaluation toluidine blue staining to identify connective tissue mast cells (ctms) in paraffin block thin skin of dog
  5. Effect using a combination of mpa (medroxy progesterone acetate) and prostaglandin (pgf2α) injection on the percentage of estrous and pregnant on sheeps
  6. Spesifisity test with dot blotting of epidermal growth factor (egf) isolated from cumulus oocyte complex after in vitro maturation
  7. Analysis of immunogenicity on inactivated dengue virus (denv-1, denv-2, denv-3, denv-4) in mices (mus musculus) as a candidate dengue coctail vaccine
  8. Detection antibody of brucella on cattle slaughtered in krian slaughter house sidoarjo regency by rose bengal test (rbt)
  9. The effect of didecyldimethylammonium chloride disinfectants on liver histophatolologycal of duck hybrid (anas platyrhynchos domesticus)
  10. The effect of cosmos caudatus leaf ethanol extract on paracetamol induced in histopathologic liver of (mus musculus) balb / c male
  11. Antibacterial test of rumbia root (metroxylon sagu rottb.) decoction against bacteria salmonella pullorum
  12. Effect of sambiloto leaf extract (andrographis paniculata ness) to histopathological pancreatic langerhans islet cells on rats (rattus norvegicus) with cystic ovary model
  13. Effect of mangosteen (garcinia mangostana l.) pericarp extract on tlr5 and cd14 expression in immunized mice against newcastle disease vaccine
  14. Cloning gene fragments non-structural 1 (ns1) of dengue virus subtype 1 (denv-1) as a material candidate of vaccine chimera
  15. Effect of vitamin e (α–tocopherol) on the number of leydig cell in mice treated with 2,3,7,8–tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd)