Detail Article

Veterinaria Medika

ISSN 1979-1305

Vol. 2 / No. 2 / Published : 2009-07

Order : 15, and page :169 - 174

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Original Article :

The effects of trehalose level in tris based diluter to cross breed etawah goat spermatozoa quality after storage at room temperature

Author :

  1. E. Sugiharta *1
  2. N. Isnaini*2
  1. Alumnus Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya Malang
  2. Staf Pengajar Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Abstract :

This research was conducted to evaluate the effects of trehalose level in tris based diluter to crossbreed Etawah goat spermatozoa quality after storage at room temperature. Semen obtained from five buckscross breed Etawah goat with minimum requirements: individual motility 70% and mass motility 2+. This method of this research was experimental laboratory method by four treatments trehalosae level 0, 1, 2 and 3%. The design was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and if there are differences, it would be continued by Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results showed that trehalose level was hight significant different (P<0.01) for percentage of individual motility on 2 hours at room temperature storage, and significant different (P<0.05) for percentage of live spermatozoa on 6 hours at room temperature storage. It can be concluded that 2% trehalose level have the best percentage of motility on 2 hours room temperature storage and 3% trehalose level have the best percentage of spermatozoa life on after 6 hours at room temperature storage. In tris based diluter trehalose was not effective for spermatozoa storage in room temperature.

Keyword :

trehalose, spermatozoa quality, tris aminomethane, Room temperature, Cross Breed Etawah Goat,

References :

Banaroudj,N., D.H. Lee and A.L. Goldberg,(2001) Trehalose Accumulation During Cellular Stress Protects Cells and Cellular Proteins from Gamage by Oxygen radicals . : J.Biol.Chem.

Elbein, A.D., Y.T. Pan, I. Pastuszak and D. Caroll.,(2003) New Insights on Trehalose: a Multifunctional Molecule . : Glycobiology

Archive Article

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