Detail Article


ISSN 2303-3053

Vol. 2 / No. 1 / Published : 2013-02

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Original Article :

Deskripsi konstruksi sosial dalam membentuk identitas simbolik oreng manduro

Author :

  1. Anggola Dewa Permadi *1
  1. Mahasiswa S1 Departemen Antropologi FISIP-UNAIR

Abstract :

Abstract Communities in human life are always associated with behaviors that reflect social identity. Social identity can be realized through the patterns of life of a community different from the others. Oreng Manduro is one of the different communities in the region Jombang Madura everyday language. Manduro villages have cultural forms that are different from other villages in the district Kabuh Jombang. Jombang dominant society does not know whether Oreng Manduro is a descendant of the original people who came from the island of Madura or not. Most of the community does not want to Oreng Manduro said to be descendants of ethnic come from the island of Madura. The purpose of the study of writing this paper is to describe the symbolic identity Oreng Manduro. This study used qualitative methods. This study aimed to describe the analysis of identity Oreng Manduro located in the Village District Manduro Kabuh Jombang. Manduro Oreng social identity can be seen through the religion which they profess. Religion can reflect a community's social identity through community actions that can differentiate with others. The formation of a social identity assumption realized because other people think other people are different. Oreng Manduro Madurese language daily use even though there is not the same as the original meaning of the word in a sentence such as vocabulary, sentence sound and accent, so blended together as accent Madurese language Java, Madura language with a native accent as the island Madurese and Javanese accent Madura. Java Language Oreng Manduro also very fluent and master two types, namely chromo inggil also ngoko. This is one of a local form of wisdom Oreng Manduro.

Keyword :

community, oreng manduro, identity,

References :

Agus, Bustanuddin,(2006) Agama Dalam Kehidupan Manusia. Pengantar Antropologi Agama. Yogyakarta : Kanisius

Geertz, Clifford,(1983) Abangan, Santri, Priyayi Dalam Masyarakat Jawa Jakarta : Pustaka Jaya

Geertz, Clifford.,(1992) Tafsir Kebudayaan. Terjemahan Yogyakarta : Kanisius

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 2 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2013-02
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