ISSN 2303-3053
Vol. 2 / No. 1 / Published : 2013-02
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Original Article :
Peran gender dalam tradisi kolak ayam
Author :
- Ayu Ike Handayani *1
- Mahasiswa S1 Departemen Antropologi FISIP-UNAIR
Abstract :
Abstract Kolak ayam were exist since 23 Ramadan 1525, there were only public role of men in Gumeno,to cook kolak ayam that should be done in the area of Masjid Jami 'Sunan Dalem. In 1987 there were of gender roles on the kolak ayam tradition, the public role were owned by men and domestic role were owned by women. This study aims to determine the factors that led to the division of gender roles in the kolak ayam tradition. Research on the role of gender in the kolak ayam tradition in Gumeno Village, District Manyar, Gresik regency using qualitative methods. Data was collected through observation, interviews, secondary data sources and documentation. There was 13 iinformants were interviewed by researchers which consist of 8 men and 5 women, they were kolak ayam event committee,Gumeno women,Gumeno men and Gumeno regent. Results from this research that the gender division of roles in the kolak ayam tradition caused by the dominant group (Gumeno men) whose function to provide domestic roles to women, causing a silent group (Gumeno woman). gender roles affected by leaders (Gumeno men). The figures do not include Gumeno women in the kolak ayam tradition is Sunan Dalem (1525), and figures involving Gumeno women is H. Nadlir (1987) and H. Adhzim (2000). Can conclude the process of socialization that maintains who cook kolak ayam in chicken kolak tradition should be done by men haved led to the differentiation of gender roles in the kolak ayam tradition .
Keyword :
kolak ayam, traditions, gender roles,
References :
Fakih,Mansour,(1996) Analisis Gender dan Transformasi Sosial Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar
Moore, Henrietta.L.,(1988) Feminism and Anthropology Singapore : T.J Press
Murniati, A. Nunuk P,(2004) Getar Gender : Perempuan Indonesia dalam Perspektif Agama,Budaya, dan Keluarga Magelang : Yayasan Indonesia Tera Anggota IKAPI
Archive Article
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![]() Volume : 2 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2013-02 |