Table of Content

Folia Medica Indonesiana [FMI]

ISSN : 0303-7932

Volume 50 / Nomor : 3 / Published : 2014-07

Cover Media Content
  1. Heavy metal contamination may have a role in negative correlation between seafood consumption and visuo-motor development of 1-3 year-old children in subdistrict bulak, surabaya
  2. Detection of gyra gene mutation region in fluoroquinolone resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis isolate from surabaya indonesia
  3. Intravenous vitamin c administration decreases nitric oxide serum level in severe burn injury
  4. The overview of macrophage, mast cell, and lymphocyte activity in the efficacy distinction of pain reduction for dry and wet cupping therapies
  5. Effectiveness of fosfomycin on prevention of surgical site infection of closed brain injury patients after craniotomy in emergency unit dr. soetomo hospital
  6. Soot particulate matter exposure increases interleukin 6 levels in the mechanism of cardiovascular disorders
  7. Electric shock increases vcam and mcp in mice endothelial blood vessel
  8. Magnesium and potassium parenteral supplementation does not produce significant effect on magnesium and potassium serum level of cervical cancer patients receiving cisplatin chemotherapy
  9. Effect of g-csf on anc level in all (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) patient with neutropenia and febrile neutropenia during chemotherapy
  10. Comparative effectiveness of paracetamol and metamizol as antipyretics in patients with moderate and severe brain injury in dr. soetomo hospital, surabaya
  11. Analysis of complicated factors affecting therapy effectiveness in urinary tract infections
  12. In infant with acute diarrhea, nutritional status has correlation with dehydration degree, but not with mother’s education and breastfeeding
  13. The use of antibiotics in patients with urinary tract infection