Detail Article

The Indonesian Journal of Public Health

ISSN 1829-7005

Vol. 10 / No. 1 / Published : 2013-07

Order : 4, and page :38 - 43

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Original Article :

Hubungan karakteristik ibu dengan kejadian bayi berat lahir rendah (bblr) di rs. hasan sadikin bandung

Author :

  1. Liva Maita*1
  1. STIKes Hangtuah Pekanbaru

Abstract :

Infant Low Birth Weight (LBW) is one cause of death in infants in Indonesia. This study aimed to determine the relationship of maternal characteristics with the incidence of low birth weight babies in the hospital. Hasan Sadikin. This type of research is analytic cross-sectional study design. The population in this study are all mothers who gave birth to LBW in hospital. Hasan Sadikin period July 2005 s/d in July 2006 for a total of 316 cases out of 1853 total births. Source of data in the form of secondary data based medical record mother and baby in Perinatology. Bivariate data analysis using the chi-square test to see the relationship between maternal characteristics on the incidence of low birth weight. LBW as many as 316 cases (17.05%). Mothers who give birth to LBW aged < 20 years as much as 26.47%, ≤ 6 years of education as much as 22%, as much as 20.34% 1 parity, pregnancy interval < 6 months as much as 88.89%, gestational age <37 weeks were 47.92% and the mother had a history of low birth weight births is as much as 27.73%. There is a significant association between maternal characteristics with LBW in RSHS Bandung, therefore, is expected to improve the quality and quantity of antenatal care as well as detection of pregnant women at risk of having low birth weight.    

Keyword :

characteristic of mother, LBW,

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