Detail Article

Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 1978-760X

Vol. 1 / No. 1 / Published : 2009-01

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Original Article :

Knowledge management implementation and its maturity level

Author :

  1. Nove Eka Variant Anna*1
  1. Department of Library and Information, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Airlangga University. Jl. Airlangga 4-6 Surabaya 60286, Indonesia. Phone: 031-5035675

Abstract :

The invention of information technology reduces geographical barriers and changes the way organizations conduct business; enables organizations to easily expand business and customers; drives competitiveness; and a future orientation. The concept of knowledge management was introduced and widely dispersed. The disperse nature of geographical location shows not only organization in state level or in the big city area, but some organizations that have rural based locations also have implemented KM. There were eleven case studies of knowledge management implementation both in public services and private companies. The implementation is measured by using the knowledge management maturity model and knowledge management stages. For Indonesian organizations, hopefully these case studies can give real examples of the knowledge management development process until implementation.

Keyword :

city, rural, public, private, managing,

References :

S. Allard,(2003) Knowledge creation. Handbook On Knowledge Management 1: Knowledge Matters Berlin : Springer-Verlag Berlin

AS 5037 AS 5037,(2005) Knowledge management a guide : Standard Australia

D. Bennet,(2003) The rise of knowledge management. Handbook On Knowledge Management: Knowledge Matters Berlin : Springer-Verlag

A. Bennet,(2003) The rise of knowledge management. Handbook On Knowledge Management: Knowledge Matters Berlin : Springer-Verlag

J. Biesner,(2005) The significance of knowledge management for a large company. Knowledge Management: Organizational and Technological Dimensions Berlin : Physica-Verlag, A Springer Company

G. Bruggen,(2005) The significance of knowledge management for a large company. Knowledge Management: Organizational and Technological Dimensions Berlin : Physica-Verlag, A Springer Company

T. Clarke,(2005) Changing paradigm, the transformation of management knowledge for 21st century New York : Harper Collins Busi

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 1 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2009-01
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