Detail Article

Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 1978-760X

Vol. 1 / No. 1 / Published : 2009-01

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Original Article :

The limited equity cooperative housing: overcoming the lamenessof land ownership

Author :

  1. Tommy S. S. Eisenring*1

Abstract :

City gives the useful positive things, however, the urban growth can also cause variousproblems of social, economy, and politics. It has been realized that rapid growth of the cities inunderdeveloped countries has been followed by various problems related with demograph yfactors, particularly the growth of urban population number that cannot be avoided. Based onsome theoretical views that can explain urban poverty in the third world, it seems that theimpecunious clan cannot obtain any affordable housing. Meanwhile, the y have the highproximity level to urban activity centers. The concept of limited equity cooperative housing asan alternative to solve this problem of poverty in Indonesian cities has a technical problem. It isnot merely the problem of culture --attribute of industrialization--nor the lethargy in economicsgrowth. The domination system of land in Indonesian cities is generally not proportional. Mostof the strategic locations is dominated by the middle to upper factions, whereas impecuniousfaction never gets the opportunity. To change the un -proportional domination system towardthe proportional domination system is the program of limited equity cooperation housing. Themodification of Parsons's General Action System is the implementation of the basic stra tegy ofthe program. The difficulty to implement the program is depended on the 'political will' of thegovernment. The policy makers need to realize that the impecunious communities inIndonesian cities should be considered as something inherent with the entire structure of urbancommunity, and that urban efficiency is reached when this community faction is integratedbetter into the urban social system.

Keyword :

impecunious, homesteading, affordable, gentrification, poverty.,

References :

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 1 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2009-01
  1. Minangkabau Oral Literature In The Post Orde Baru Era
  2. Knowledge Management Implementation And Its Maturity Level
  3. The Limited Equity Cooperative Housing: Overcoming The Lamenessof Land Ownership
  4. The Constructivist Approach Towards Foreign Policy Analysis
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