Detail Article

Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 1978-760X

Vol. 1 / No. 4 / Published : 2009-10

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Original Article :

The representation of beauty in indonesia vs. usa dove shamphoo advertisements; a semiotic study

Author :

  1. Finanastasi Ayu Noeryani*1
  1. The English Department, Faculty of Humanities. Airlangga University. Jl. Airlangga 4-6 Surabaya 60286, Indonesia. Phones: ++62 31 503 3080, 503 5676, ext 206, Fax +62 31 503 5807

Abstract :

This study aims to reveal the representation of beauty in Indonesia and US Dove shampoo advertisements since Dove has made phenomenal breakthrough by portraying various women with different characteristics of beauty compared to the common concept of beauty. Semiotic theory is applied to analyze the data since semiotic is the appropriate theory to examine every verbal and non verbal signs contained in the advertisements. Barthes semiotic theory is the proper theory to decode the signs because it is the best theory to reveal the implicit meaning of text or visual culture product. Barthes’ theory analyzes the text into three steps: linguistic messages, non coded iconic messages, and coded iconic messages. Qualitative method is applied in this study because this analysis needs an intense interpretation to perform a deep signification process. After completing the analysis, similarities and differences of beauty concept is found between US and Indonesia Dove shampoo advertisements. Dove US portrays beauty in various ways that covers all women with different skin colors, hair colors, hair styles, body sizes, and races. On the other hand, Dove Indonesia does not reveal a significant difference with the common beauty concept though it still opposes few common standards. Both Indonesia and United States advertisements invites readers to choose every style they prefer to have because Dove believes that all styles are beautiful.

Keyword :

beauty, coded iconic messages, linguistic messages, non coded iconic messages, semiotics, sign,

References :

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 1 / No. : 4 / Pub. : 2009-01
  1. The Representation Of Beauty In Indonesia Vs. Usa Dove Shamphoo Advertisements; A Semiotic Study
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