Detail Article

Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN 1978-760X

Vol. 1 / No. 4 / Published : 2009-10

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Original Article :

The representation of female sex workers on photo-journalism in sex for sale by yuyung abdi: a semiotic study

Author :

  1. Dian Sofianty Pratiwi*1
  1. The English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Airlangga University, Jl. Airlangga 4-6 Surabaya 60286, Indonesia. Phones: ++6231 5033080, 5035676, ext 206, Fax +6231 5035807

Abstract :

This paper reports on a study aimed to reveal the representation of female sex workers through photojournalism in sex for sale by Yuyung Abdi. Barthes’ semiotics is used in order to interpret signs in photojournalism as it is the appropriate theory to examine the implicit meaning of verbal and non verbal signs including photography. The chosen photographs were analyzed into three steps of Barthesian semiotics: first level of signification (punctum), second level of signification (studium), and mythologies. The study found that prostitutions, or in this case female sex workers, are considered as having two-sided coin and dilemmatic problem in some aspects. In short, they are represented as two-sided women who act the vicious drama of dilemmatic social, moral, cultural, and economical problems.

Keyword :

photography, photojournalism, denotation, punctum, connotation, studium, mythologies, prostitution, female,

References :

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Archive Article

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