Detail Article

Journal Of Aquaculture And Fish Health

ISSN 2301-7309

Vol. 2 / No. 2 / Published : 2013-06

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Original Article :

Effect of different level of protein balance on artificial feed for protein and energy retention of tilapia (oreochromis niloticus)

Author :

  1. Novi Puspita*1
  2. Sri Subekti*2
  3. Agustono*3
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Perairan dan Kelautan
  2. Dosen Fakultas Perairan dan Kelautan
  3. Dosen Fakultas Perairan dan Kelautan

Abstract :

Tilapia is a fish with high productivity, fast growth dan have high endurance of environmental changes. Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a type of freshwater fish that much preferred by consumers.  Tilapia breeding business is done to supply market demand. Optimal growth in breeding is obtained by feeding the fish with food that have an appropriate nutrition. The dietary of fish breeding needs complete nutrition and appropriate to fish. Protein and energy is the main consideration to compose dietary for fish breeding. The purpose of this study was for ensure the best level of protein balance for Tilapia and resulting optimum growth with protein and energy retention as parameter approach to determining the use of protein and energy in fish dietary. The research method used was experimental with a Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The main parameters measured were protein and energy retention. Parameters measured were supporting growth and water quality. The results showed that there was significant differences (p<0,05) on protein retention. The highest protein retention was found in P3 (48,03%) with dietary protein balance 1 : 8,0. The results of energy retention showed there was no significant difference between treatments. The highest energy retention was found in P3 (19,19%) with dietary protein balance 1 : 8,0. Growth results showed that there was very significant differences between treatments (p<0,01). The highest growth was found in P3 (1,70%). Water quality maintenance media tilapia are, temperature 26-29ºC, disolved oxygen 4–8 mg/l, pH 7-8, ammonia 0-0,5 mg/lt.

Keyword :

protein balance, protein retention, energi retention, growth,

References :

S.R. Suyanto,(2010) Pembenihan dan Pembesaran Nila Jakarta : Penebar Swadaya

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

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