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Jurnal Farmasi dan Ilmu Kefarmasian


Vol. 1 / No. 1 / Published : 2014-01

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Original Article :

Pemberian informasi lama terapi dan konfirmasi informasi obat perlu ditingkatkan di puskesmas

Author :

  1. Yuni Priyandani*1
  2. Eny Dwi Susanti*2
  3. Halla Hisan Hartoto*3
  4. Kristina Kesumawardani*4
  5. Mutiara Titani*5
  6. Ratna Ayu Amalia*6
  7. Catur Dian Setiawan*7
  8. Mufarrihah*8
  9. I Nyoman Wijaya*9
  10. Wahyu Utami*10
  1. Dosen Fakultas Farmasi
  2. Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi
  3. Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi
  4. Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi
  5. Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi
  6. Mahasiswa Fakultas Farmasi
  7. Dosen Fakultas Farmasi
  8. Dosen Fakultas Farmasi
  9. Dosen Fakultas Farmasi
  10. Dosen Fakultas Farmasi

Abstract :

Primary health care center as the first line of health services which have the function of improving the health of individuals and communities to be supported with quality pharmaceutical services. The modification of the orientation of pharmaceutical care from drug oriented to patient oriented also requires pharmacist to be able to provide quality services. Measurement of quality of pharmaceutical services could be done by measuring patient satisfaction. There are five dimention of quality of pharmaceutical services, namely tangibles, responsiveness, reliability, assurance, and empathy. Indicator of pharmaceutical services depend on standart of pharmaceutical services in  primary health care center by Health Department of Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine patient satisfaction with Likert scale for the quality pharmaceutical services at 58 primary health care center in Surabaya. Accidental sampling method was conducted by collecting data from 581 patients and fullfilled the inclusion criteria. Data were anaylized by customer window methods. In customer window method, the result showed that indicator of pharmaceutical service that had inadequate performance and should be enhanced, include providing information of therapeutic duration and confirmation of drugs information to the patients. Indicator of pharmaceutical service of that had should be improved to achieve good pharmaceutical services.

Keyword :

patient satisfaction, pharmaceutical services, primary health care center,

References :

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 1 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2014-06
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