Detail Article

Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi FST

ISSN 2303-3428

Vol. 1 / No. 1 / Published : 2013-01

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Original Article :

Pengaruh ekstrak etanolik kecambah kacang hijau (phaseolus radiatus) terhadap jumlah dan morfologi spermatozoa mencit yang terpapar 2-methoxyethanol

Author :

  1. Citra Maruliyananda*1
  2. Alfiah Hayati*2
  3. I.B. Rai Pidada*3
  1. -
  2. -
  3. -

Abstract :

Male infertility causes by  many factor,  one  of them is toxic chemical  2-methoxyethanol  (2-ME). The Phaseolus radiatus  containt the antioxidant vitamin E. Vitamin E as antioxidant can avoid free radicals  and break the chain of lipid peroxidation process in cell membrane. The ethanol extract of  Phaseolus radiatus used to overcome the effect of 2-ME. This main aim of this  study to know the influence of  this  extracts to sperm  count and sperm morphology of mice  after exposure of 2-ME.  Thirty  BALB/C male mice (Mus musculus) 8-9 week old, weighed 25-28 grams, was divided into 5 groups, 2 control groups and 3 treatment groups.  Negative control group (Kn) were given aquades 0,1 ml by gavage within 40  days, positive control group (Kp)  were given  2-ME 200 mg/kg  body weight daily by intraperitoneal  injection within 5 days,  and continued by giving  aquades 0,1 ml  within  35  days, treatment groups (P1, P2, dan P3) were given  2-ME  200 mg/kg body weight daily within 5 days, continued by giving extract in three doses 0,5 ; 1 ;and 2 g/kg BB  within  35 days. Mice were sacrified, epididimis were collected and examined. Count  and normal morphology  of spermatozoa were observed. The data analyzed by One-way ANOVA to investigate the influenced of treatment groups.  Then LSD test  to show  the differences  mean  between treatment groups. The result showed that 2-ME can decrease sperm count and sperm normal morphology. The extract can increase sperm count and  normal morphology  after exposure of 2-ME. The conclution of this study,  the  extract  at  dose of  1  g/kg  can increased sperm  sperm count, whereas the dose of  2  g/kg  can  increase  normal morphology of sperm. The green bean sprout ethanol extract at dose of 2 g/kg can recover sperm count and normal morphology of sperm.

Keyword :

2-ME, Phaseolus radiatus, spermatozoa,

References :

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 1 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2013-01
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