Detail Article

Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi FST

ISSN 2303-3428

Vol. 1 / No. 1 / Published : 2013-01

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Original Article :

Pengaruh ekstrak teripang lokal phyllophorus sp. terhadap diameter germinal center limpa mencit (mus musculus) yang diinfeksi mycobacterium tuberculosis

Author :

  1. I.B. Rai Pidada*1
  2. Dimas Putra Leksana*2
  3. Dwi Winarni*3
  1. -
  2. -
  3. -

Abstract :

This research aimed  to find out the potential sea cucumber  Phyllophorus sp.extract as an immunostimulant to spesific  immune response against M.  tuberculosis infected.  Therefore  this research used 36 male mice, BALB-C strain,  aged  3–4  month and weighted  30-40 g divide into 6 groups. Negative control group K(-) was given with solvent, without  M.  tuberculosis infected, positive control group K(+)  was given with solvent,  M.  tuberculosis  infected,treatment group (P) was given with Phyllophorus sp.  extract,  M.  tuberculosis infected.  Sea cucumber  Phyllophorus sp.  extract was given continously for 14 days. Dose given equal to 0,0462 g dry/ kg BW/day. Each treatment group divided into 2 subgroup : Sub group A,  infected  with  M.    tuberculosis    on day 15 after treatment and sacrificed on day 18, while sub group B: there is group which is infected by M.  tuberculosis 2 times, on day 15 and also on day 18, they  sacrificed on day 28.  The solvent used was  CMC 0,5%. The amount of  M.  tuberculosis suspension which is infected through  intraperitoneal was 106 CFU.  The spleen was taken at the end of treatment and histological preparations made.  Diameter of splenic germinal center are used as an indicator  of least potentially local sea cucumber Phyllophorus sp. as an immunostimulant  to specific immune response. Data were analyzed using ANOVA followed Duncan test at α = 0,05. The results showed that based on changes in the  spleen  germinal center  diameter  of  M.  tuberculosis  infected mice,  sea cucumbers Phyllophorus sp.  extract was    not potential as an immunostimulant to specific immune response.

Keyword :

Phyllophorus sp., Mycobacterium tuberculosis, germinal center, immunostimulant,

References :

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 1 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2013-01
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