Detail Article

Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan & Kelautan

ISSN 2085-5842

Vol. 5 / No. 1 / Published : 2013-04

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Original Article :

Identifikasi dan prevalensi cacing pada saluran pencernaan ikan gurami (osphronemus gouramy) di desa ngrajek magelang jawa tengah

Author :

  1. Riza Aryani*1
  2. Kismiyati*2
  3. Gunanti Mahasri*3
  1. Program Studi Budidaya Perairan Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan UNAIR
  2. Dosen Program Studi Budidaya Perairan Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan UNAIR
  3. Program Studi Budidaya Perairan Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan UNAIR

Abstract :

Gouramy is one of the consumption of freshwater fish that have high economic value. Gouramy is a freshwater fish that have long been known and cultivated. Gouramy has many features including less demanding requirements for life, except that carp have slow growth. In maintenance appeared several constraints, such as illness. One possible cause is parasites.This research is aimed to know both the kind and the prevalence of gouramy gastrointestinal worms in Ngrajek Village Magelang Central Java. This research used survey methods through sampling at the site directly. Sample was taken once for 48 gouramy from four sites by using with fish size 10-15 cm. The main parameters of the research is the kind and prevalence degree of worms were found in the gastrointestinal of gouramy in the Ngrajek Magelang Central Java, while the supporting parameters in this research are water quality such as pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and ammonia.The result of this research showed that from 48 gouramy from four sites, there was four samples that positively infected by gastrointestinal worms. The prevalence rate of gouramy infected with worms in the gastrointestinal for A location is 12.5%, for B location is 13.3%, for C location is 0%, and for D location is 10%. Worms prevalence rates are found in the gastrointestinal consists of Echinorhynchus 6.25%, Neoechinorhynchus 2.08% and Pallisentis 2.08%. Overall prevalence of gouramy infected with worms in the gastrointestinal in Ngrajek Village Magelang Central Java is 8.33%.

Keyword :

gouramy, Ngrajek Village, gastrointestinal worms,

References :

H. Anshary,(2008) Modul Pembelajaran Berbasis Student Center Learning (SCL) Mata Kuliah Parasitologi Ikan. Makassar : Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP).

G.L. Hoffman,,(1999) Parasites Of North American Freshwater Fishes Second Edition. New York New York. : Cornell University Press

Z. Jangkaru,(2007) Memacu Pertumbuhan Gurami Jakarta. : Penebar Swadaya

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

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