Detail Article

Jurnal Ners

ISSN 1858-3598

Vol. 6 / No. 1 / Published : 2011-04

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Original Article :

Modul anticipatory guidance terhadap perubahan pola asuh orang tua yang otoriter dalam stimulasi perkembangan anak (anticipatory guidance module changes the authoritaritative parenting of parents in stimulating children development)

Author :

  1. M.Hasinuddin*1
  2. Fitriah*2
  1. STIKES Ngudia Husada Madura
  2. STIKES Ngudia Husada Madura

Abstract :

Introduction: Anticipatory guidance is a method used by nurses to help parents provide the development of behavior change towards a better understanding of their children. The purpose of this study was to analyze the provision modul of anticipatory guidance to parents and their effects on patterns of authoritarian parenting in stimulating development in kindergarten Dharmawanita Bangkalan Regency.  Method: The design in this study was experimental design with pre post test design with control group. The Population was the parents of students in Dharmawanita Bangkalan kindergarten in 2010. Respondents were 15 people in  the treatment group and control group 15 people who meet the inclusion criteria. Collecting data by using a questionnaire. Wilcoxon test was used to analyze the effect of counselling before and after treatment. Then, to analyze the effect of guidance in control group and treatment group using Mann Whitney test. Result: The result of statistical analysis used Wilcoxon test shows that the differences in upbringing the parents before and after the anticipatory guidance given p value of 0.001, whereas in the control group there was no difference with a p value of 0.083. To find out the difference of counselling terms between treatment and control groups were performed by mann whitney test with p-value (0,004) < a (0,05). Discussion: Based on these results we can conclude that modul of anticipatory guidance has an impact on the upbringing of parents in stimulating growth in children in kindergarten Dharmawnaita Bangkalan. Therefore, agencies need the attention of health services for families who have problems in terms of childcare needs to get more attention in order to help families cope with the problem. Research on the effect of anticipatory guidance by the nurse to child development is necessary as a follow up of this research by considering the factors that influence the development of the child itself.

Keyword :

modul of anticipatory guidance, developmental children,

References :

Nursalam, Utami,(2005) Asuhan Keperawatan Bayi dan Anak (Untuk Perawat dan Bidan) Jakarta : Salemba Medika

Syahreni,(2009) Anticipatory Guidance Jakarta : Universitas Indonesia

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Cover Media Content

Volume : 6 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2011-04
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