Table of Content

Jurnal Ners [JN]

ISSN : 1858-3598

Volume 9 / Nomor : 2 / Published : 2014-10

Cover Media Content
  1. The integrated maternity management model through promoting and preventive encouragement in the attempts of lowering the maternal and infant mortality rates
  2. Improving counselling skills about reproductive health among students using peer counselor training
  3. The role of advanced age and duration of infertility on oocyte number retrieved during in vitro fertilization
  4. The resilience and stress on bacterial vaginosis among reproductive age women in the coastal area of ampenan, mataram city
  5. The use of web-based information system in adolescents
  6. Rational-emotive behavior therapy application reduce stress among mother with leukemia children
  7. Bio-psycho-social-spiritual responses of family and relatives of hiv-infected indonesian migrant workers
  8. Decrease risk behavior hiv infected on construction laborers with behavior change communication (bcc) approach
  9. The readiness of students to learn interprofessional teamwork in antenatal care
  10. Nursing care model based on knowleedge management in preventing nosocomial infection after sectio caesarea in hospital
  11. Holistic learning model increase asetilkoline level and caring behavior on student in caring patiens with ischemic stroke
  12. The improvement of elderly acceptance in cronic pain, comfort, and quality of life through acceptance and commitment therapy (act)
  13. The effect of transcultural nursing, child healthcare model and transtheoretical model approaches to knowledge and culture of the family
  14. Hepatoprotective potential of propolis toward hepar injury rats (rattus norvegicus) induced by carbon tetrachloride
  15. Peer group support on self-efficacy, glicemic control and self care activities in diabetes mellitus patients
  16. How do families assess and manage the pain of the cancer patients?
  17. The improvement of low salt diet behavior based on theory of planned behavior on elderly with hypertension
  18. Sustainability factor related with the implementation of the community mental health nursing (cmhn) in south and west jakarta
  19. Development of intention to stay model for temporary nursing staff in rs unair
  20. A study about the quality of nursing services at hospitals’ ward at mojokerto
  21. The competence of nurse educators