Detail Article

Jurnal Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi

ISSN 2301-7090

Vol. 1 / No. 2 / Published : 2012-06

Order : 4, and page :81 - 88

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Original Article :

The effect of country of origin reputation on buyer trust of changhong china electronic products

Author :

  1. Rizky Leonni Putri*1
  2. Fajrianthi*2
  1. -
  2. -

Abstract :

Since there have many kind of international product come to Indonesia so the Indonesianconsumen have many option to select and to trust that product. Country of origin reputation canact as a mechanism in source of information when deciding to choose between products andcompanies from different countries. The questionnaires country of origin reputation and trust isspread over 100 buyers of electronic products with Changhong brand from China. Based onanalysis result, it is know that determinant coefficient (R2) country of origin reputation influenceof trust by 8% and the t value of 2.993 with a significance level of 0.003. This indicates that thevariable country of origin reputation influences the variable trust. Regression coefficient of X isobtained by (+) 0.340 indicating a positive effect of the country of origin reputation of the trust. Itstates that any increase in country of origin reputation will improve the trust.

Keyword :

reputation, country of origin, country of origin reputation, trust, customer trust,

References :

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Archive Article

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