Detail Article

Jurnal Urologi Universitas Airlangga

ISSN 23026480

Vol. 1 / No. 2 / Published : 2013-01

Order : 11, and page :11 - 11

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Original Article :

Fournier's gangrene

Author :

  1. Fendik Setiawan*1
  2. Doddy M Soebadi*2
  3. no data*3
  4. no data*4
  5. no data*5
  1. no data
  2. no data
  3. no data
  4. no data
  5. no data

Abstract :

Introduction: Fournier's gangrene is a necrotizing fasciitis of perineum and genitalia. this disease is an uncommon condition, the incidence is only 1,1 in 100.000 people and 1% - 2% of urologic hospital admissions. fournier's gangrene is an emergency urologic conditions, therefore early diagnosis and prompt treatment have a massive contribution tonthe outcomje. Material & Method: we reported 3 patients admitted to emergency room at Soetomo general hspital with classical history and findings for fournier's gangrene, supported by radiologic examination. none of them have disorder from urinary or digestive tract. we performed emergency sugical debridement and intravenous antibiotics were given. resolution of infection and wound healing were observed at the end of admission. Results: all patients have diabetes mellitus as predisposing factor. patients required initial debridement in operating room and subsequent reconstructive surgery for tissue defect. one patient required reconstructive surgery two times. length of stay ranged from 14 to 28 days. follow up at one month after discharge showed a good outcome. Conclusion: we reported 3 cases of fournier's gangrene with diabetes mellitus as predisposing factor. emergency surgical debridment and intravenous antibiotics were important to prevent further infection. extent of the disease influenced length of stay and outcome

Keyword :

fournier's gangrene, surgical debridement, intravenous antibiotics, outcome,

References :

Baskin LS, Carroll PR, Cattolica EV, McAninch JW,(1990) Necrotising soft tissue infections of the perineum and genitalia no data : no data

Benizri E, Fabiani P, Migliori G, Chevallier D, Peyrottes A, Raucoules M,(1996) Gangrene of perineum no data : no data

Black PC, Wessell H,(2005) Urological emergencies, a practical guide New Jersey : Humana Press

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

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