Jurnal Urologi Universitas Airlangga
ISSN 23026480
Vol. 1 / No. 2 / Published : 2013-01
Order : 6, and page :6 - 6
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Original Article :
Review of patients with obstructive uropathy resulted from malignancy in gynecology at dr. soetomo hospital surabaya 2004-2007
Author :
- Marzuki*1
- Doddy M. Soebadi*2
- kosong*3
- kosong*4
- kosong*5
- kosong
- kosong
- kosong
- kosong
- kosong
Abstract :
Objective: This study was pointed to gain review of patients underwent for obstructive uropathy which is resulted from malignancy in gynecology. the compiled data composed of age distribution, patients complaint, type of malignancy, degree of hydronefrosis, type of obstruction, level of serum creatinine, type of management; dj stent placement, ureterocutaneostomy, or permement nephrostomy, and also the number of accomplishment in dj stent placement. Method: In this study, we did data collection from medical records of patient with obstructive uropathy, which is take place as a result of malignancy in gynecology, who were hospitalized in urology Department Dr. Soetomo Hospital surabaya from the year 2004 until 2007. the design of this study was retrospective analytic descriptive, whereas data compilation were tabulated according to the objective of the study and then analyzed in descriptive manner. Results: Most of patients underwent for obstructive uropathy who fitted the inclusion criteria were in age group of 50-59 years (34 persons 36,96%). most of patients complaining for plank pain (34 persons 36,56%). from the aspect of the type of malignancy, the largest type was carcinoma of the cervix stage III (67 persons 72,83%). while from the degree of hydronefrosis, the majority of the cases were moderate hydronefrosis (40 persons 43,84%) the largest type of obstruction was bilateral obstruction (67 persons 72,83%). from the level of serum creatinine on base line, the largest number was 1-1,9 mg/dl (48 persons 52,17%). the type of conducted management, the largest number was dj stent placement in 29 persons (31,52%), ureterocutaneostomi procedure 22 persons (23,91%), perkutaneus nefrostomi procedure 21 persons (22,83%). whereas in the number of accomplishment of dj stent placement, from the total number of 71 persons who scheduled for dj stent placement, 26 (36,62%) were successful, while 45 (63,38%) were fail. Conclusion: The largest number of the subjects in this study was in the age group of 50-59 years, with the majority type of malignancy was carcinoma cervix stage III. the type of conducted management; the largest number was dj stent placement in 29 persons, ureterocutaneustomi procedure 22 persons, perkutaneus nefrostomi procedure 21 persons.
Keyword :
obstructive uropathy, malignancy in pelvic region, dj stent, percutaneus nefrostomy, uretrocutaneustomy,
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Archive Article
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Volume : 1 / No. : 2 / Pub. : 2013-01 |