Detail Article

Jurnal Urologi Universitas Airlangga

ISSN 23026480

Vol. 1 / No. 2 / Published : 2013-01

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Original Article :

Ureterovesical junction stenosis

Author :

  1. Anton Hermawan*1
  2. Adi Santoso*2
  1. no data
  2. no data

Abstract :

Ureterovesical junction stenosis adalah kasus yang jarang, baik yang tipe primer maupun yang sekunder. rajul rastogi dkk menemukan 31 kasus dari 72 kasus kelainan kongenital pelebaran saluran kencing yang diteliti. diagnosa ditegakkan dengan menggunakan pemeriksaan kombinasi static-dynamic magnetic resonance urography.

Keyword :

Ureterovesical Junction Stenosis, primer type, static-dynamic magnetic resonance urography, no data, no data,

References :

Anne Juddy Lebowitz,(2007) The coexistence of obstruction at the ureteropelvic and ureterovesical junctions Boston : Harvard medical school

John C. Pope,(2006) Classic and new theories for the development and deterioration of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract Nashville, Tenesse : Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Robert A Mevorach,(0000) Obstructed Megaureter New York : University of Rochester School of Medicine

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

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