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Vol. 6 / No. 1 / Published : 2017-01

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Perilaku penemuan informasi mahasiswa imm umsida sidoarjo dalam menemukan sumber informasi ilmiah

Author :

  1. Muhammad Arif Erfiyanto*1
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Abstract :

In this study, researchers wanted to know IMM Student Information Seeking BehaviorMuhammadiyah University Sidoarjo in Effort Finding the source of scientific information This type of research is descriptive quantitative respondents are students IMM MuhammadiyahUniversity Sidoarjo with a sample of 48 respondents. From these results it can be concluded, Steps being taken by the respondent in the seeking forinformation, the respondent has done with the first look at the OPAC (online catalog), therespondents always use the services of the library seeking information and respondents utilize themeans of bibliography. The main problem in the seeking for scientific information in general is finding information in the form of text and non-text. Such information is expected to satisfy the user to the problems of their information needs. Interaction will occur between librarians and users toaddress the problem of users. Problems-problems they are by Ingwersen (1992: 61-93) calledaboutness, and two other important basic concepts, namely Representation and Relevance. Themain factors used to measure the relevance of a document to the user's needs is the "topic" or"subject" of the document. Which is the topic of a document or text is what is written about theauthor of the document. Whether such documents are not relevant to the user query a topic can beseen from the document. Respondents have done the stages of information seeking behavior basedon the behavioral model of information retrieval Wilson. Results of the information they get isbelieved to be sufficient to serve as a source of scientific information because the respondent hasmade the completion of the informas-information is in a collection sehingg they feel confident aboutthe information they have found so check back resources that have been obtained are considerednecessary to back. 

Keyword :

Information seeking behaviour, a spurce of scientific information,

References :

Powell J. E;Alcazar, D.;Hopkins, M.;Olendorf, R.;McMahon, T.M.,(2011) Graphs in libraries: a primer” Vol.30 No.4 : Information Technology and Libraries

Wilson,(2010) Human Information Behaviour, Informing Science Vol.3 No.20 : -

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 6 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2017-01
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  13. Internet Plagiarism Di Kalangan Mahasiswa
  14. Evaluasi Sistem Otomasi I-sekolah Oleh Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 10 Surabaya
  15. Hubungan Self Efficacy Dengan Perilaku Penemuan Informasi
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