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Majalah Ilmu Faal Indonesia

ISSN 0215-1995

Vol. 11 / No. 1 / Published : 2014-03

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Original Article :

Red spinach (amaranthus tricolor) juice administration to mother mice exposed by lead acetate in gestation periode improves learning ability and memory of post weaning mice (mus musculus) offspring

Author :

  1. Made Puri Pratiwi*1
  2. Noer Halimatus Syakdiyah*2
  3. Etha Dini Widiasi*3
  4. Mayang Rizki Anggraeni*4
  5. Intan Anggun Pratiwi*5
  6. Viskasari Pintoko Kalanjati*6
  7. Raden Argarini3*7
  1. Pendidikan Dokter FK UNAIR
  2. Pendidikan Dokter FK UNAIR
  3. Pendidikan Dokter FK UNAIR
  4. Pendidikan Dokter FK UNAIR
  5. Pendidikan Dokter FK UNAIR
  6. Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran
  7. Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran

Abstract :

Lead acetate is chemical substance which can give negative effects to brain development. The effect is decreasing of learning ability and memory. The aim of this research was to know the effect of red spinach (Amaranthus tricolor) juice to learning ability and memory of post weaning mice offspring from mother mice exposing by lead acetate during gestation period. Thirty three post weaning mice offspring were tested for learning ability and memory by using Morris Water Maze one week after weaning day. Offspring was gained from mother mice that was given three different interventions during gestation period for 21 days. Group K was control group with placebo. Group M1 was given lead acetate 1.16 mg/10gBW/day and CMC 0.5%. Group M2 was given lead acetate 1.16 mg/10gBW/day and red spinach juice 382.2 mg/10 gBW/day. Mice offspring was weaned three weeks after birth day. Mice offspring was given memory consolidation trial four times a day for four days to obtain latency time and memory test to obtain frequency of passing the platform. Latency time of group M2 in the first day 10.98±4.47, the forth day 13.35±3.1 and frequency passing the platform 16.7±4.69 is significantly increasing compared with group K (6.15±3.8; 9.6±3.64; 8.5±2.07) and M1 (7.4±2.77; 12.8±3.29; 10.4±3.53) with significant value in order p=0.021, p=0.04 and p=0.000 (α=0.05). Group K and M1 show insignificant result of latency time and frequency passing the platform. Our research suggested that administration of red spinach juice to mother mice exposed by lead acetate in gestation period can improve learning ability and memory of mice offspring and lead exposure in low dose 1.16 mg/10 gBW/day does not decrease learning ability and memory of mice offspring.

Keyword :

red spinach juice, lead acetate, learning ability, memory,

References :

NHMRC,(2009) Blood lead levels Australia : Lead exposure and health effects

Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 11 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2014-03
  1. Red Spinach (amaranthus Tricolor) Juice Administration To Mother Mice Exposed By Lead Acetate In Gestation Periode Improves Learning Ability And Memory Of Post Weaning Mice (mus Musculus) Offspring
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