Detail Article

Majalah Obstetri & Ginekologi

ISSN 0854-0381

Vol. 17 / No. 1 / Published : 2001-01

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Original Article :

Effect of curcumin on vegf expression and size of endometriotic implant (experimental study on endometriotic mice model)

Author :

  1. Harmono Kuswojo*1
  2. Ashon Sa’adi *2
  3. Hendy Hendarto*3
  4. Samsulhadi*4
  5. Widjiati*5
  6. I Putu Agus Suarta*6
  7. Brahmana Askandar*7
  1. Majalah Obstetri & Ginekologi
  2. Majalah Obstetri & Ginekologi
  3. Majalah Obstetri & Ginekologi
  4. Majalah Obstetri & Ginekologi
  5. Majalah Obstetri & Ginekologi
  6. -
  7. -

Abstract :

Curcumin is a small-molecular-weight compound that isolated from the commonly used spice tumeric. Invitro, curcumin have been shown to inhibit angiogenesis by downregulate VEGF expression. Angiogenesis support endometriotic proliferation. The purpose of this study is to compare VEGF expression and size of endometriotic implant in endometriotic mice model between curcumin group and placebo. The method of this study was analytical and experimental study, randomized controlled and double blind controlled trial. The sample include a mice 3 months old which was injected human endometrium cel and cyclosporin. The endometriotic mice model were randomly divided into two group. The intervention group was consuming curcumin 6 mg (240 mg/kg) once daily until fourteen days. The mice were sacrificed and the score of peritoneum VEGF expression were measured by immunohistochemistry stain, and the size of endometriotic implant were measured manually. There were significant differences in VEGF expression from the two group. Statistically VEGF expression on peritoneal mice curcumion group is significantly lower than placebo group  (2.2526 ± 0.5306 : 1.682 ± 0.7089, t = -2.798 (< t table (df = 36, α = 0,05)). The size of endometriotic implant on peritoneal mice curcumin group is significantly lower than placebo group (median 0 (0–102) mm2 : median 142 (0–210) mm2,  p < 0.0001). VEGF expression and the size of endometriotic implantin curcumin group is significant lower than placebo group.

Keyword :

curcumin, endometriosis, angiogenesis, VEGF,

References :

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 17 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2009-01
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