Detail Article

Majalah Obstetri & Ginekologi

ISSN 0854-0381

Vol. 17 / No. 1 / Published : 2001-01

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Original Article :

Pregnancy with generalized pustular psoriasis

Author :

  1. A Anugrah RSA*1
  2. Erry Gumilar Dachlan*2
  3. Saut Sahat Pohan2*3
  4. I Putu Agus Suarta*4
  5. Brahmana Askandar*5
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Abstract :

This article reports a case of pregnancy with generalized pustular psoriasis. The case, Mrs NR, 25, was handled at dermatology and venereology ward. Anatomic pathology laboratory examination was performed, revealing pustular psoriasis with typical clinical symptoms, where there were erythematous macule, on top of which pustules were dispersed. The diagnosis was, therefore, the pustular psoriasis. There was repeated recurrence, particularly during pregnancy. The patient was therapied with topical corticosteroid and, with consideration that there was flare several days after therapy and pregnancy age of 38 weeks, the pregnancy was terminated with caesarean section, and a male infant of 3100 grams was born. After delivery, the condition of the mother and the baby was improved and they were discharged on day 5. In this case, topical corticosteroid therapy was given, and apparently during the course of the disease, there was relapse due to the absence of general down-regulation from the immune system by pregnancy hormones, particularly the corticosteroid.

Keyword :

generalized pustular psoriasis, pregnancy,

References :

Van de Kerkhof PCM,(0000) Clinical features. In: Peter Van de Kerkhof, ed. Textbook of psoriasis :

Tiniwati,(0000) Angka kejadian retensio urin pasca histerektomi radikal di RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya periode 1-1-1992 sampai 31-12-1994 :

Archive Article

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