Detail Article


ISSN 2302-6464

Vol. 5 / No. 2 / Published : 2016-10

Order : 7, and page :105 - 109

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Original Article :

Hubungan paritas dan umur terhadap indeks fertilitas sapi perah peranakan frisian holstein (pfh) di koperasi unit desa (kud) sri wigati pagerwojo tulungagung

Author :

  1. Nina Amalia*1
  2. Dr. Budi Utomo, drh., M.Si*2
  3. Djoko Legowo, drh., M.Kes.*3
  1. Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan
  2. Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan
  3. Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan

Abstract :

The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a relation between parity and age Fertility Index of  Holstein Frisian Cross (PFH) dairy cows at Village Unit Cooperatives (KUD) Sri Wigati Pagerwojo Tulungagung. The study used value Conception Rate (CR), Service per Conception (S/C), and Days Open (DO) as indicator of Fertility Index Holstein Frisian Cross (PFH) dairy cows. Data were taken  used the survey method. Data of this survey was primary data interviews to farmers and secondary data originated from inseminator data recording at KUD Sri Wigati Pagerwojo Tulungagung. The study used 229 samples of PFH dairy cows, was divided in to two different groubs based on parity and ages. The level of parity in the study was divided in to three different level (first, second and third) which is the number of parity level was 90, 74, and 65 PFH dairy cows. Meanwhile, based on the age the sample was divided in two different ages cluster it was 2-4 years and 5-7 years with the number was 148 and 81 PFH dairy cows.  Data were analyzed using Correlasion. The experiment showed that fertility index for PFH dairy cows in first parity, second and thirh is 44,81%, 40,51% and 40,47%. Fertility index in age 2-4 years and 5-7 years is 45,33% and 35,82%.  The analised showed was not correlation between parity and age with Fertility Index p>0,05.

Keyword :

parity, age, fertility index,

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Archive Article

Cover Media Content

Volume : 5 / No. : 2 / Pub. : 2016-10
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  7. Hubungan Paritas Dan Umur Terhadap Indeks Fertilitas Sapi Perah Peranakan Frisian Holstein (pfh) Di Koperasi Unit Desa (kud) Sri Wigati Pagerwojo Tulungagung
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