Jurnal Palimpsest
ISSN 2086-0994
Vol. 5 / No. 1 / Published : 2014-08
Order : 1, and page :1 - 20
Related with : Scholar Yahoo! Bing
Original Article :
Analisis kemampuan search engine google, yahoo dan altavista
Author :
- Yunus Abdul Halim*1
- Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Abstract :
Information retrieval system is a measure of the success of a case ofinformation search engines like Google, Yahoo and AltaVista. Through informationretrieval system that produced a measurable level of the search engines. Measure ofability can be seen from the value of recall, precision and NIAP (Non-InterpolatedAverage Precision). The third measure can show the effectiveness and capabilities ofsearch engines. Comparison test conducted by the ability of search engines using 30 subjectlibraries as a keyword by taking a sample of the first page of results returned by searchengines. All data that appear at first analyzed by using the formula recall, precision andNIAP. Experiment for google is give results (recall: 1, precision: 0.66, NIAP: 0.56),yahoo (recall: 1, precision: 0.61, NIAP: 0.48) and AltaVista (recall: 1, precision:12:40, NIAP: 0:31) . These results indicate that the ability to recall all the same searchengines while precision capabilities and NIAP, google search engine better whencompared with a yahoo and altavista. Based on the results of these experiment can be concluded that informationretrieval system owned by the search engines Google, Yahoo and AltaVista havecharacteristics of each. Google is more likely to yield better precision when comparedto Yahoo and AltaVista. While Yahoo and AltaVista still require further investigation.
Keyword :
Information retrieval system, recall, precision, Non-Interpolated Average Precision,
References :
Chowdhury, G.G,(2004) Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval London : Library Association
Indrajit, Richardus Eko, dkk,(2006) Pemanfaatan Search Engine Sebagai Sarana Penunjang Proses Pembelajaran Yogyakarta : Andi Offset
Pao, Miranda Lee,(1989) Concepts of Information Retrieval Englewood, Colorado : Libraries Unlimited
Archive Article
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Volume : 5 / No. : 1 / Pub. : 2014-08 |