Information Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan



1. The Indonesian Journal of Health Policy and Administration receives manuscripts of original work, never been published, and must be submitted exclusively to this journal. The Editoral Board reserves the right to edit all articles for purposes of style, format and clarity.

2. Manuscripts should be typed using word processor program, font ARIAL 9, double spaced on A4 white paper sheets (sized 210 x 247 mm). The length should not exceed 12 pages on one side of a paper. Manuscripts should be submitted in a diskette plus three legible photocopies. Scientific articles, critical appraisal and new release should be typed in 1 column, while scientific research / study must be typed in 2 columns. Footnote should be avoided.

3. Manuscripts should be written in Indonesian or English, with academical and proper efficient style, organized systematically as follows.

For Scientific Research / Studies

a. TITLE, should be brief, specific and informative. Do not exceed 15 words. Name of author (s), written under the title, should include full name of authors, address to where proofs are to be sent (correspondence address), e-mail address, name and address of the Institution (s) representing the author(s).

b. ABSTRACT, written in Indonesian and English (not more than 250 word) should be precise with adequate information for readers to understand the text without having to read the whole article, covering : the problem/ reason of the study, the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. Select 3-5 key words and put it below the abstract.

c. Introduction, comprises of : observed problems, the reason / background of the study, its formulation, purpose of the study and the prospect of the future.

d. LIBRARY SEARCH, contains foundations to support the manuscript including studies/ researches related to the topic or theories referred by the authors.

e. METHOD, contains material or components, object and utilities to be observed, design, sample and sampling method, frames of work, parameters , and technical analysis used.

f. RESULTS, consist of end results of the study with scientific discussions and supportive argumentations.

g. CONCLUSION, comprises of brief statements of the result connected with the purpose and / or proposed hypothesis. Suggestions would be directed to enhance the prospect in the future.

h. REFERENCE, according to the Harvard system (Name of author and year of publication). Arranged alphabetically, stating:

a). for books : the author's name, year of publication, editor (if any), full title of book, place of publication, publisher.

b). for periodicals: the author's name, year of publication, the article's title, the title of periodical, year and month of periodical, volume, number and pages.

Example :

1. Alma B.1998. Manajemen Pemasaran dan Pemasaran Jasa. Bandung: Alfabeta.

2. Berry L, Parasuraman A.1991. Marketing Services: Competing Through Quality. USA: Maxwell Macmillan International .

3. Budiarso AW.1993. Penerapan Manajemen Pemasaran Rumah Sakit Dalam Dasawarsa 90-an. Jurnal Administrasi Rumah Sakit, Oktober, 1993. 2(1): 23-37.

For Scientific Articles

a. TITLE, should be brief, specific and informative. Do not exceed 15 words. Write the name and institution of the author under the title.

b. INTRODUCTION, Covers the background of the topic, its formulation, and the present and future prospect of the topic.

c. SUBSTANCE comprises of scientific explorations and supportive argumentations related to the topic.

d. CONCLUSION, consists of the end results and suggestions from the topic discussed.

e. REFERENCES, according to the Harvard system (Name of author and year of publication). Arranged alphabetically.

For Critical Appraisal

a. TITLE, should be brief, specific and informative. Do not exceed 15 words. Write the name and institution of the author (s) under the title.

b. SUBSTANCE, cover the over all picture of the topic discussed, method and the end result, critics & suggestions toward the topic

For New Release

a. TITLE, should be brief, specific and informative. Do not exceed 15 words. Write the name and institution of the author (s) under the title.

b. INTRODUCTION, cover the background of the article to publish

c. SUBSTANCE, cover the over all picture of the topic discussed, method and the end result, critics & suggestions toward the topic

d. REMARKS, conclusions and includes the suggestions to the article.

e. REFERENCE, according to the Harvard system (Name of author and year of publication). Arranged alphabetically.

4. Table and illustrations need to be numbered consecutively for each category. Table's title should be brief, explained by footnotes to each table identifying all abbreviations used in alphabetical order.

5. All data, opinion, statements, in articles are the responsibility of the authors. The Publisher, Editorial Board and all staff of the Indonesian Journal of Health Policy and Administration cannot be held responsible (to any charge) regarding the consequences of inaccuracy and / or inadequacy of the published articles.

2007-04-26, Source : Redaksi Jurnal AKK